Roll Manufacturing

Companies using rolls in their production processes create complex demands on information technology within the production area. The system architecture and functions of ZEISS GUARDUS, mixed with ZEISS GUARDUS expertise with this complexity, provide the efficient ingredients to implement a completely integrated MES. With our Solutions, all quality and production data from the shop floor are recorded centrally in the software, with improved worker dialogues and standard interfaces accelerate efficiency dramatically. In addition, the solution supports manufacturer specific processes with industry-specific data logic, plausibility checks and norms. The goal: Seamless traceability from raw material to finished product - and back.

“There is hardly an unimaginable scenario. Therefore, flawless traceability must impeccably cover all these permutations. GUARDUS MES perfectly performs this feat by means of an intelligent reel number assignment in the PDA terminal. Thus, the top-down and bottom-up design allows us to travers a reel’s entire history in the realtime.”

Dr. Thomas Scheermesser

Head of Competence Pool Production Engineering

SIG International Services GmbH

GUARDUS MES for Roll Manufacturing
  • Traceability of roles, lots, pathways and formats to the finished product
  • Automatic labeling and marking
  • Role management with inventory control, locks and roller pitch
  • Management, handling and settlement of various units (meter, piece, weights, etc.)
  • Consistent role error tracking
  • Support for the rework of roles and batches
  • Online visualization of production data for direct process control on plant and machinery
  • Integrated operator self-examination, laboratory tests, tethered testers and measurement systems etc.
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